December 6, 2017

5 Low-Carb Tips for the Holidays

I recently attended our Sunday church potluck. Like most shared feasts, there was plenty of pasta, potatoes, sugared salads, breaded chicken, desserts, etc. We were at the end of the line, so the protein choices were picked over. I settled on a tossed salad, savory coleslaw, and roasted chicken.

I never expect events such as these to cater to special diets or lifestyles. I like to think of myself as a forager. Sometimes, the choices are straightforward. On occasion, I  remove the protein and vegetables from a pizza crust. My June 2017 cruise offered a smorgasbord of options. Holidays are more varietal, although traditional Thanksgiving meals typically contain more starch, grains, and sugar.

This will be my 3rd low-carb Christmas. I have not gained weight during one of my LCHF holiday seasons. I see no deprivation in my future.


  1. Bring Your Own Condiments ↬ Purchase small plastic or aluminum containers that fit easily into a purse, backpack, satchel, or even the palm of your hand. Include mineral salts such as Maldon or Pink Himalayan; and a delicious herbal blend like Bragg Organic Sprinkle. Carry individual packets of stevia and add them to coffee, tea, oil and vinegar dressing, or even cottage cheese—if you desire a more dessert-like flavor.
  2. Keep It Fatty Fat creates that fabulous feeling of fullness. If you know beforehand that quality fats will be unavailable, bring a tiny bottle of olive oil. Request additional butter to add to coffee or melt over vegetables. Keep small packets of coconut oil on hand. Always ask coffee houses if they have heavy whipping cream instead of the usual half-and-half.
  3. Swap Out the Starches Stay on the offensive by removing all forms of starch during the ordering process. If it never arrives on your plate, there is nothing to navigate. Of course, there are the usual suspects like bread, french fries, mashed potatoes, pasta, and rice. Be on guard for croutons on salads; or noodles and tortilla chips in soup. (Also, beware of restaurants that add sugar to everything!)
  4. Keep it Sweet ↬ You will find that once sugar is purged from your diet, you will never or rarely crave sweets. The trick is being prepared when those urges come. Have a stash of dark chocolate with a minimum of sugar or try Lily's 70% Dark Chocolate, sweetened with stevia. (My favorite flavor is Sea Salt.) Another option is carrying a 2-ounce bottle of NOW Foods Better Stevia Dark Chocolate Liquid (or whatever flavor you prefer). Having a baggie of low-carb cookies at your disposal is also helpful. Lastly, if you can handle a small nibble of a sugary cheesecake without losing your brakes, do it!
  5. Be a Gracious Receiver  Regardless of how vocal we are about our lifestyle choices, we will still receive the Christmas tin of cookies or a cellophane-wrapped loaf of cranberry bread, all baked with white flour and sugar. As much as we understand the havoc that sugar creates in our bodies, others still enjoy it. They also love giving what they enjoy to others. We truly can accept these gifts by simply recognizing the thought, time, and effort that went into preparing them. To resist temptation (if there is any), immediately commit to sharing these gifts with family, friends, co-workers, or neighbors. Freeze treats for your next book club.
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